#11 Kevin Jacksonブログ “K.J.'s DIARY”

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Welcome to KJ's blog....


I must admit that I wasn't that excited when I was approached by
Eddie(#59 Fujita) and asked to write a blog for our team's homepage.

I rarely spend time on a computer, I'm not to timely when it comes to
returning e-mails, and quite frankly I don't think that I have that many
interesting things to write about. Please bare with me as I try to make
this thing as lively as possible.

As I was surfing the net and looking for pictures to put up I happened to
come across a couple of old pictures of my teammate, John West and myself
back when we were playing together at the University of Hawaii.


The first picture is of me going in for the sack against Eastern Illinois University
quarterback, Tony Romo(Dallas Cowboys starting quarterback). 

The second picture is of John diving in for the winning touchdown against Rice University.

I figured you'd be more interested in checking out the pictures than
hearing me blabber on and on... I hope you enjoy them.

Forgive me for not having a colorful and elaborate opening blog, but
hopefully I'll get better as I write a few more of these things....